Unlike apparently everyone else I know, I haven't been bitten by the royal wedding bug. I have no idea why I don't care, but I just don't. Although I will say that I've seen a few pictures of Kate Middleton's dress and she was gorgeous. That's the end of my royal wedding talk, though :)
What I have been preoccupied by the past few days, though, is cleaning. This is the first year that I've done a good, thorough spring cleaning and I have to say, I love being in my apartment right now. My reasons for spring cleaning now are that 1) I'm having some friends over for dinner tomorrow night and I wanted the place to be spotless and 2) it's the end of the semester and I felt like I needed to purge the literal junk that was leftover after I turned in final papers. So yesterday, I started working like a madwoman, cleaning everything in sight.
I would highly recommend this book for any other recent college grad who needs those kinds of basic life skills. The next portion of the book I want to tackle is gardening, since I seem to have a black thumb that I'd like to get rid of!