I've decided to experiment with having themed Thursdays (man, I love alliteration!), so this week's theme is beauty. Here are, in no particular order, as usual, the things that I'm loving this week:
2. Conair HS34r Compact Hairsetter
These hot rollers are a new purchase for me, but I've decided that with grad school (!) and real world job interviews (!!) coming up, I need to do something a bit classier than heading places with wet hair. I'm moving further south, so I can't fight the curl, but I figured there had to be a way that I could do it better. I think I've discovered it. It's a really easy set and it gives a nice curl (when you don't leave it in too long-I looked rather poodle-esque for a while this morning until I tamed it). I think I'm going for an Old Hollywood look, like Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. We'll see, and I'll post a picture once I perfect it :)
3. Burt's Bees Super Shiny Lipgloss
Simply put, this makes my lips shiny without a lot of color, which is great for when I'm in the middle of a teaching day and don't have time to painstakingly reapply my lipstick.
4. Pond's Cold Cream
This vintage beauty cream is what my grandma uses and the smell reminds me of sleepovers at her house when I was little. It takes my makeup off wonderfully and makes my skin feel nice too.

5. Noxzema cleanser

This brand has been around for a while and has apparently always been sold in the blue jar. I like it because it wakes me up in the morning and leaves my face really soft, just like the Pond's does.
There you have it for this week! Come back next week to see if I'm feeling serious or frivolous
I've been thinking about experimenting with rollers! But I also usually end up very poodle like, so you'll have to let me know how these turn out! I'm excited about your new adventure! Mine begins Friday! :-)