With that in mind, I'm dedicating the month of February (easy because it's the shortest month. I know, that's lazy) to deciding how I want to blog. I'm expecting a month of hodge-podge as I try things to see what feels comfortable and appropriate, because there are so many aspects of my life that I could write about, but I'm not sure all of them translate into good blogging material. I hesitate to write too much about school, simply because I don't want to be critical of my professors, students or colleagues in an online manner that will last; that seems like a bad move professionally. As far as my personal life goes, not much that's blog-worthy there, so that avenue is out. One thing I'm seriously considering is blogging about Catholicism in daily life, but the purpose of this blog is not and never has been proselytizing; my faith is, however, a big part of who I am, so writing about it makes sense. I could write about living in this lovely city, but if I did that, I'd probably go private, simply for safety reasons. I might try putting up a few more photographs, but I'm a notoriously bad photographer in that I forget my camera all the time. I mean to go somewhere with it and it's the one thing I forget consistently--to be honest, I'm not sure where it is at the moment. I could blog about cooking, but I don't think the things I make are that interesting.
But I'm giving myself the next 28 days to figure this out. 28 days of posts, probably random and themeless, and then I'll decide whether or not I'm going to continue. Oh, and if you have any ideas about what I should write about, I'd love suggestions in the com-box. Thanks for bearing with me as I figure all this out.
You know my vote. I want more J stories!!! :)