Day 6: For warmth and sunshine while reading outside, even if I was doing homework.
Day 7: For a good job and a boss who is understanding. For learning while I TA. For free coffee from the Faculty House
Day 8: For going home for the first time in 7 weeks and just being there. For sitting at my grandparents' kitchen table and catching up with them. For snuggling with my Jack and having time with Mom.
Day 9: For my wonderful father, who went with me to traffic court so I wouldn't have to go alone. Also, for dismissed tickets :)
Day 10: For my YAG friends, who constantly challenge me to live my faith more and more by their examples.
Day 11: For everyone in the military, especially those that I know and love. They do a job every day that I couldn't do, but which keeps me safe and for that, I am profoundly grateful. I'm also grateful for those who have served this country and given their lives for it.
Day 12: For beach hopscotch, silliness with friends and late night theological debates
Day 13: For beautiful November days, sun on the river and Mass at the Cathedral
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