Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lemony Goodness

Once upon a time, I was a reading teacher. And once upon a time, when I was a teacher, I taught this book to 3rd graders:

In the first story, Julian, his brother Huey, and his dad make a lemon pudding for the boys' mother, but the boys can't stop tasting it. It's a sweet story, but every time I taught it, I thought "Lemon pudding? It can't be that good." I would have found it more believable if the pudding was chocolate. Until today.

Last week at the grocery store, I bought a bag of Meyer lemons just for fun-they were cheap and pretty, so I decided to try them. This evening, I noticed that they were getting a little wrinkly, so I wanted to do something with them before they went bad. And suddenly I remembered Julian and Huey and the irresistible lemon pudding. So I made some of my own. I used this recipe and boy howdy is it good.

I did make a few changes, since I can't ever follow a recipe exactly. I don't have a microplane zester, so I skipped the lemon zest. I also used a little more juice than the recipe calls for, but there was one sad wrinkly lemon that was going to be left out, so I threw that juice in too. Finally, I don't have a fine mesh sieve (I thought I did, but as I was tearing my cabinet apart, I remembered that I don't have one, but my mom does), so I substituted a shield for bacon grease that came with my pots and pans; I've never used it for grease, so no worries there!

It won't officially be ready until tomorrow, since it's supposed to sit for 3 hours, but I did take a tiny taste and I can tell that it's going to take a lot of willpower for me to leave it alone, just like the boys in the story