Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughts of spring

I've had a bunch of thoughts rambling around in my head, so rather than write a bunch of posts, I decided it's time for a thought-collection post


It's spring here in North Carolina (finally) and I am loving it. This is the third day in a row that I've worn a skirt (without tights!) and for the past two days, I've driven with my sunroof open. Louisa (my roommate) and I have turned off the air in our apartment and are living with the windows open, which is a lovely thing. The trees are still rather bare, but still, I know that spring is coming and I couldn't be happier about it!


Spring break starts tomorrow afternoon! I'm so ready for it and I have lots of plans, including:

-making my Class Day dress
-making at least 1 new skirt
-finishing the parish newsletter
-getting my grad school stuff all ready to mail when I get back from break
-planning my graduation party with my grandma
-reading frivolous books


I graduate two months from Monday. It's coming so incredibly fast; I can't believe it. I bought my stole for Sigma Tau Delta (English honor society) yesterday and my cord for Silver Shield (MC honor society) on Sunday. I need to buy my cap and gown, my Kappa Nu Sigma stole, and my graduation announcements. I also need to purchase SAI cords for me and the other graduating seniors and figure out when I get my Alpha Lambda Delta cord, my Honors cord and my study abroad flag. Holy cow, graduation is close.


Singing with Encore this semester has been fantastic. I love being part of a smaller group and, the thing I'm probably most proud of, I've gotten up the courage to sing solos in front of a bunch of people (like, the entirely full Jones Chapel). Our trip to D.C. was brief, but good; there was a lot of bonding time, and it didn't hurt that the Army folks loved us. Dr. P canceled rehearsal today to give our voices a break (yay!), but I'm looking forward to starting new music after break.


Talking about loving my classes, I really do love all of them. I know, I'm a nerd, but I've accepted that and am moving on.


The thing that I'm not currently loving is the fact that I've fallen off the Lenten wagon in regards to my prayer life. Fasting & almsgiving are covered; it's not easy, but it's not as hard as you'd think. I'm starting over today, though; this just tells me that my prayer life is really what I need to concentrate on. I also need to remind myself, as St. Therese of Lisieux said, that it's about doing "little things with great love"--it doesn't have to be grandiose as long as my intention is love. And I think that this difficulty in keeping up with my prayers speaks to the fact that I need help with the love part.

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