Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things

Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, and cabbages, and kings. And why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings... oh wait, this isn't Wonderland! And yet, strange things are happening to me too.

For one, I just bought my cap and gown. I've been slowly acquiring stoles and cords, but somehow, the cap and gown purchase made this very real. (I graduate in 5 1/2 weeks). I'm also finishing my applications for CofC and State, and have put in an application with the Southern Teacher's Agency (they don't require a teaching license for some private and independent schools, which is what STA staffs; convenient since I don't have a teaching license!). As I put in my facebook status this morning, the real world is creeping closer and closer.

I have very mixed feelings about this, as is natural. On the one hand, there are lots of things I'll miss about Meredith: my classes, my professors, my friends, my apartment, my on-campus jobs (I've been blessed with great coworkers and supervisors), the music department, the traditions. On the other hand, I'm excited about what God has planned for me next: grad school? A job? And hopefully, marriage and a family, sometime soon.

But right now, I'm just going to enjoy this beautiful spring night, do the work I love (Chaucer homework!) and be content with where I am and what I've been given.

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