Saturday, February 26, 2011

Favorite things: couch-bed

When I moved down here, one of the best things that I got for my apartment was a chair and a half, like the one pictured above (Mine's green and the bottom of the pieces are a little different, but basically, that's what I've got). I originally picked this as a couch thinking that because it's got a fold-out bed, it would be perfect for when I have company, since I live in a one bedroom apartment. I didn't realize at the time, though, how much I'd end up using it.

On the weekends where I'm home with no company, I generally unfold the couch into the bed and spend the whole weekend working off of it; it's perfect for spreading out lots of papers and books, as well as curling up to read. It's like I'm in bed, but then when I get in my real bed, I'm able to sleep because I haven't been there all day. This weekend, allergies have hit me hard, so I'm spending today and tomorrow mostly on the couch. My coffee table, conveniently moved to the side, holds all my books, my food and beverages, tissues, cough drops, remotes--it's all there. And that makes me a happy, productive, albeit sniffly, woman :)

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